Checklist: How can you save energy and avoid mould?

In every country, the general conditions for using energy are different. Here's a small overview of what even people who've lived in Germany for a long time keep asking.
Schimmelflecken an der Wand

We also have  a multilingual flyer on the topic.

How can you save hot water?

Costs for hot water depend heavily on your own behaviour.

Showering for 5 minutes a day costs about 250 euros a year for one person, but it can also cost more.

Showering consumes less than bathing!

How can you save electricity?

You can save electricity through your behaviour and the use of energy-efficient appliances.

If your refrigerator or freezer is more than 15 years old, measure the electricity consumption and check how much electricity you can save with a new appliance.

When buying a new appliance, look for the energy label and low power consumption.

Washing machine: Use the eco-saving programme frequently and select low temperatures. Don't use a tumble dryer if drying rooms are available.

Consistently switch off appliances when they aren't being used (e.g. computer, TV, game console): Use power strips that can be switched off.

Don't use additional heaters. Use permanently installed radiant heaters sparingly.


How do you heat and ventilate correctly? (In the cold season)

☑  Heat living rooms to 18 to 20 degrees Celsius: On the heating around thermostat level 2-3. Level 5 does not make it go any faster, but you waste energy.

☑ Close doors to cooler rooms, but don't let them cool down completely: Heat to at least 16 0 degrees Celsius and also ventilate regularly.

Open windows fully at least 3 times a day for approx. 5 to 10 minutes. If the outside temperature is below 0 0 degrees Celsius, 3 to 5 minutes are usually enough.

Turn down radiators around windows when ventilating.

☑  Avoid tilted windows if possible:  Ventilation effect lasts longer. There is a risk of cooling if they stay up too long.

Don't cover radiators and thermostats (with furniture or curtains).

Lower the temperature at night and during long absences, but don't turn the heating down completely.

How can you avoid mould?

A lot of moisture accumulates in the kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms. So, always air immediately after getting up, cooking, bathing, showering.

Humidity can be checked with a thermo-hygrometer (from 10 euros): Above 50 per cent in the middle of the room there's a risk of mould.

Place furniture 5 to 10 centimeters away from the cold outside wall.

Note: For apartments in the basement: In summer, keep the windows closed most of the time during the day.Only ventilate when the outside air is drier than the inside air. This is usually in the cooler evening or night hours. If this doesn't work, a ventilation unit must be used for this.

Are you unsure?

Get advice from the independent energy experts at the consumer advice centre.This costs you little or nothing if you receive support from the social welfare office or the job centre.

 Contact: 0800-809 802 400,

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